Odesa car subscription on your terms

Flexible, convenient, and affordable long-term car subscription in Odesa with weekly or monthly payments

car rental
car rental
car rental in Odesa
car rental

Discover the freedom of car subscription in Odesa without the burden of ownership.

Our AI-powered platform offers instant pricing, customized subscription plans, and access to a wide range of vehicles from local Odesa owners. Enjoy straightforward, secure service with no hidden fees, ensuring great value.

Ideal for daily commuting, leisure rides or errands around Odesa, find your perfect car subscription match with us!


Best price

Our smart pricing algorithm ensures you get the best subscription cost on the market.



Organize your next car subscription quickly and effortlessly with our simple platform.



Our thorough car subscription agreement protects you from unforeseen charges while addressing risks.

How to get a car by subscription in Odesa


Flexible terms and instant pricing

Select your subscription preferences including mileage, deposit, and location in Odesa for instant pricing.


Smart search and intelligent matching

Relax while our advanced AI finds the ideal car in Odesa, matching your specific needs and choices.


Instant confirmation and direct contact

Get your booking confirmation instantly and access the owner’s details. Sign the contract and collect your car in Odesa.


We are committed to transparent pricing and want to make your car rental experience convenient and affordable with no booking fees, no prepayments and no cancellation fees!

Booking Fee
100 %
100 %
Cancelation Fee
100 %

All about car subscription in Odesa

What are the typical costs for a car subscription in Odesa?

Prices range from $75 to $1000 per week, depending on vehicle type, subscription length and conditions such as mileage limits. Our platform will help you easily find cost-effective solutions that meet your needs.

Is a car subscription in Odesa available with no deposit?

Yes, we offer no deposit subscriptions in Odesa, although this option may lead to a 30% increase in the subscription cost to compensate for the owner's risk.

What's the price of unlimited mileage in Odesa?

Unlimited mileage subscriptions in Odesa typically cost about 20% more than limited plans to account for greater wear and tear and maintenance. Prices vary based on car model and subscription details.

Minimum age for a car subscription in Odesa?

Subscribers must be at least 18 years of age, as required by Ukrainian law. Additional fees may apply for drivers under a certain age due to insurance considerations.

What documents are required for a car subscription in Odessa?

A valid driver's license, ID (passport or national ID) and a signed subscription agreement are required to ensure a legal and smooth process.

Do subscription prices in Odesa vary seasonally?

Prices can fluctuate up to 30% per year, often peaking during the summer and holidays. However, your rate remains constant once subscribed, with weekly or monthly payment stability.